Soft Steel ®

Prolyte brings groundbreaking news for al users of soft slings. Prolyte presents the soft sling that is fire resistant, the softsteel®. The softsteel® has a normal outside webbing for soft slings, but instead of the polyamide core, the softsteel® has a core made of steel wires. The steel wires within the softsteel® are as flexible as a normal soft sling, but have a much better fire resistance.

The softsteel® can be used in circumstances where the normal soft slings are not allowed. The softsteel® is available with a WLL of 2000kg and in working lengths of 0,5m, 1m and 2m.


The outside webbing is black, including a grey identification label and a cleverly hidden inspection window to inspect the steel wires within the softsteel®. The softsteel® applies to all CE regulations.




Made with Namu6